Ota Floriculture Auction Co., Ltd holds “FLOWER OF THE YEAR OTA” which aims to commends outstanding flower Growers who made quality improvement and created trends in the flower industry. This award is selected by Japanese experts with a neutral position among nominated flowers selected by OTA Floriculture Research Institute LTD, our subsidiary, based on abundant date. The award ceremony was held on Friday, December 6th at our auction room, and certificates and trophies were awarded to the winners by our CEO Mr. Isomura.

Refferring to these results, OTA Floriculture Research Institute LTD, conducts flower trend analysis.

◆Grand Prize◆

Grower:Green Tech Co., Ltd.
Species:Enkianthus perulatus

Enkianthus perulatus is Japan native tree which has the power to change the image of space with just one. Their Natural and cool atmosphere is very beautiful and there is no substitute.Currently, with the increasing preference for Consumer’s Return to nature, Enkianthus perulatus is used not only for decoration of events and commercial facilities, but also for house interior decoration. In addition, exports are also active, and there are overwhelming popular among domestic and overseas. Green Tech Co., Ltd., the award winner, was highly evaluated for its ability to respond to detailed orders from buyers.

◆Outstanding performance award◆

Item :Ixia
Variety name:Aquamarine
Kosaka-Engei grew from a seed that had been spilling into the corner of the field over the past 16 years into an award-winning variety. It was awarded because it is a miracle blue flower that has no other varieties in Japan. Ixia is mostly pink, white, and yellow, but aquamarine attracts viewers with its transparent blue. Although the pipe house collapsed due to the typhoon in September this year, he is currently recovering eagerly to resume shipping from February next year. The award-winning varieties are expected to be shipped around late April.

◆Special Award◆

Grower:JA Shinshu Suwa
Item : Limonium hybrid
Variety Name:Unryu

Unryu’s buds are larger than conventional products and have a popping texture. In recent years, its appearance has been re-evaluate as “kawaii”. A gentle and soft atmosphere can be combined with any flower, establishing a new way and position for Limonium hybrid.  After Limonium hybrid gained popularity in the Showa period,  it declined for a period of time, but its value has been reviewed in the Reiwa era. It will be shipped around May-June from JA Shinshu Suwa.

◆New Flower Encouragement Award◆

Grower:Maebashi Rose Production Association
Variety name:Mango Reeva

The development of new rose varieties is a saturated market. However, as a result of steady market research, Maebashi Rose Production association has been able to gain the reputation of many buyers by introducing “Mango Riber”, an instagrammable mango color. Grower listened to the market and followed the trends accurately, and won the highest award at the “Japan Rose Cut Flower Fair”, a national rose festival, for the second consecutive year. They are high-class Grower.

Original Article written by OTA Floriculture Research Institute LTD.
Translated and edited by Y. Fuchu