Gloriosa “Caprice Rosé” from JA Misato

Today we would like to introduce Gloriosa Lily “Caprice Rosé” from JA Misato in Kochi-city.

This Caprice Rosé means whimsical pink in French, as its color changes gradually from white to pink. It is a unique variety that took over a decade to be bred.

The supply of this variety was very little because of its difficulty in growing like it grows easily too long, but from this year there will be more and stable shipments of this as the number of planted bulbs is increased.

Although the world has got tense by COVID-19, the breeder of this variety, Mr. Nakajima (who once worked for OTA) supplies us with confidence, so please kindly make good use of this special item.

Original article written by Mr. Takagi,
Translated and edited by S. Yamamoto